EIA - environmental impact assessment
Definition: What is an EIA?
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process governed by law. It serves to determine, describe and evaluate in advance the impact of projects on the environment – on nature, society and the economy.
In the EU (European Union), the environmental impact assessment is governed by the EIA Directive. It is implemented by the EU member states with their own regulations. Germany has the Environmental Impact Assessment Law (UVPG) and Austria the Environmental Compatibility Verification Act (UVP-G 2000). Switzerland also has an environmental protection law and the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (UVPV).
In the USA, environmental impact assessments have been performed since 1969 under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, US Code). An international UN protocol also specifies the mandatory performance of a strategic environmental assessment.
Environmental assessment tools
The 2 main environmental assessment tools are the environmental impact assessment (EIP) and the strategic environmental assessment (SEA). The SEA – strategic environmental assessment – as a complement to the EIP has to be performed in the planning phase of all environmentally relevant projects.
EIA Mining Ordinance (UVP-V) for crude oil, natural gas and geothermal exploration and production
Mining projects such as the extraction of crude oil and natural gas are also covered by the environmental impact assessment directive.
Projects subject to the environmental impact assessment include:
The extraction of crude oil and natural gas for commercial purposes with an extraction volume of more than 500 tons of crude oil or more than 500,000 cubic metres of natural gas per day, and the construction and operation of production platforms in coastal waters or on land. Also mine heaps covering 10 hectares or more, sludge storage and settling ponds covering an area of 5 hectares or more and waste disposal facilities.
In the natural gas sector, environmental impact assessments are prescribed for:
- Underground natural gas storage with a volume of 1 billion cubic metres or more based on a general preliminary assessment
- Underground natural gas storage with a volume of 100 million cubic metres up to but not including 1 billion cubic metres based on a site-specific preliminary assessment
In the crude oil, petrochemical and chemical product sectors, an environmental impact assessment is prescribed for:
- A volume of 200,000 tons or more
- 50,000 tons up to but not including 200,000 tons based on a general preliminary assessment
- 10,000 tons up to but not including 50,000 tons based on a site-specific preliminary assessment
Service providers for the implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Mining Ordinance (UVP-V) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
For the full and cost-effective implementation of all regulations under the Environmental Impact Assessment Mining Ordinance (UVP-V) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), a partnership with an experienced service provider such as EDPSolutions is a good choice for crude oil, natural gas and geothermal companies.
Further information:
Further information on: EIA, Environmental Impact Assessment Law (UVPG) and EIP:
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) handbook: